Dear sir
With grait bluger we like to underuse our self as acorporation
Export import and we have an office in yaman and also
in soudi arabia and we have catch your adress from
indain empasy in damascus -syria
we are enterested with all your ,praducts
and we need to apen agood busines with your com.
In syria-yaman-soudi arabia and libanon for that
we need to send us all the infonmation about your products
all kindes of bronz powder and also if you have a cooper powder.
as soon as you can and send as by post or D.H.L
some smapls by smallplastic bags not mor thant 100g for each what
we need now as the flowing:
1-Bronz powder -rich pale4000
2-Bronz powder pale4000
3- Bronz powder 2500
4-copper powder 4000
5-copper powder 2500
pl-1-send us the price per kg-2-paking by parils 25kg
what you have anather kinds from pronz or copper powders the
names and the kind of powder the soft you haveThe time you can
delevery.many thanks We are waiting your answer