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Category : Chemicals & Dyes
Product Name : Chemical Reagents
Product Brand :
Product Specifications
More than 250 different chemcial reagents, retail packed along with lab apparatus is available for sale at 17% of its originla cost. Liquidating due to the current economic situation in USA.
Product Location : New York, USA
City : New York
Country : United States
Product Quantity : Brand New, with full shelf life
Product Price : USD 175,000 for the entie lot of 10 container load
Payment Terms : COD, term LC also can be considered.
Product Packing : Retail packing in master cartons.
Posting Date : 25-02-2002
Company Information
Company Name : Aggies International, Inc
Contact Person : Ben Francis
Company Address : 75 SOuth Broadway, 4th Floor
City : White Plains
Country : United States
Telephone : 914 304 4215
Fax : 914 304-4216
Other Information

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