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Category : Chemicals & Dyes
Product Name : Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide
Product Brand :
Product Specifications
sepc: active oxygen: 9% or 10% detail spec in our MSDS of methyl ethyl ketone peroxide if you need please e-amil; cebdlc@china.com. packing:5kg PE,4x5 EA in one carton or as your requirment.
Product Location : shanghai,china
City : shanghai
Country : China
Product Quantity : 1300mt/year
Product Price : usd1540/mt cif dubai
Payment Terms : L/c
Product Packing : 5kg PE, 4x5 EA in one carton,or 20kg PE
Posting Date : 29-05-2002
Company Information
Company Name : china export bases development liaoning corp.
Contact Person : wang wenzhong
Company Address : 72 luxun road dalian china
City : dalian
Country : China
Telephone : 0086-411-2710812
Fax : 0086-411-2710830
Other Information
we are the bigest exporter of methyl ethyl ketone peroxide in china. as export base we have our invested factory ,all kind of product is being exported to many countries .special in chemical.

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