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Category : Consultancy & Services
Product Name : We assist to open office in UAE & grant loan
Product Brand : We assist to open office in UAE & grant loan
Product Specifications
1- We provide assistance for financial loans from our private investors or from financial institutions on feasible projects. 2- We offer a complete service for Registration/Formation and Establishment of companies LLC or any kind of new business in UAE as well in Middle East countries. Moreover, we provide assistance in the latest business techniques and opportunities.
Product Location : Dubai
City : Dubai
Country : United Arab Emirates
Product Quantity : 18000000
Product Price :
Payment Terms : Cash
Product Packing : Cash
Posting Date : 05-06-2002
Company Information
Company Name : Faith Commercial Group of Companies
Contact Person : Ali
Company Address : 42700
City : Dubai
Country : United Arab Emirates
Telephone : 971 50 7712700
Fax : 971 4 2728600
Other Information
1- We provide assistance for financial loans from our private investors or from financial institutions on feasible projects. 2- We offer a complete service for Registration/Formation and Establishment of companies LLC or any kind of new business in UAE as well in Middle East countries. Moreover, we provide assistance in the latest business techniques and opportunities.

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