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Category : Gems & Jewellery
Product Name : Precious Stones
Product Brand : Precious Stones, Jewellery, Stocks, Stocklots,
Product Specifications
Dear Sirs, we can offer: Precious Stones There are precious stones stored in Zurich and owner of stones would like to sell these as soon as possible. The parcel consist of the following: 88.0 kg EMERALDS 22.2 kg AMETHYST 6.0 kg TOPAZ 2.2 kg CITRINE Deposit slip is available with us and can be presented upon receipt of buyer's LOI. Above precious stones will be sold en bloc and total price of above USD 2'300'000.-- Please let us know your interest Inspection, payment and delivery of stone are in Zurich all offers subject to ubsold first come first serve basis RBK - Group info(at)global-gerom.com www.global-gerom.com
Product Location : Swiss
City : see offer
Country : Switzerland
Product Quantity : see offer
Product Price : see offer
Payment Terms : call
Product Packing : xxx
Posting Date : 20-06-2002
Company Information
Company Name : S.C. Global Gerom imex srl
Contact Person : B. Kunze
Company Address : Wiesenstr.
City : Langen
Country : Germany
Telephone : 0049-6013-270226
Fax : 0049-6103-270228
Other Information

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