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Category : Toys
Product Name : BRIO Toys
Product Brand : BRIO Toys: Harry Potter, Mighty Wheels Cars...
Product Specifications
Price of the lot: 106950,53 Euros(40% of our selling price on the Polish market) but 10%discount possible depending on the quantities imported. Free samples available, pictures can be sent per email or per post on CD ROM. Detailed description of each product available per email.
Product Location : Szczecin, Poland
City : Szczecin
Country : Poland
Product Quantity : 27226
Product Price : 106950 Euros for the LOT, 10%discount possible
Payment Terms : Pre-payment
Product Packing : Carton( about 10m3 for the whole lot)
Posting Date : 13-08-2003
Company Information
Company Name : BRIO Poslka Sp.z.o.o
Contact Person : Mathieu Blanvillain
Company Address : ul Lutniana 39
City : Szczecin
Country : Poland
Telephone : 0048504459658
Fax : 0048914311166
Other Information

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